hello. good day.
dearest march, i can think of no better way to enjoy you than to fill your days with sunny little crafts & spring fever smirks. winter. i bid you farewell. and your ice skating rink parking lots too. brighter days are here at last. am loving your warmth and gentle breeze. sitting on the front steps blowing bubbles and thinking about life. growing up here in small town ct & then moving to l.a (only to return a couple short yrs later to connecticut), i laugh to myself at the tiny little things i never noticed. never took the time to realize. never appreciated. that is, until i went way far away and came back. one of my favorite things about that move, is what it has opened my eyes to finally see now. never knew the greatness of seasons.
the clean sky and countless amount of stars that fulfill it. you dont get that in l.a.
and man. did i take for granted all the wonders of good ol' ct.
as each season comes and goes i am constantly reminded.
pleasantly reminded i should say. we got it good here. we do.
crafts created this month...
didnt have to click my creative heels together to hard for this one.
just your everyday egg carton critter.
todays five thing.a.ma.jigs*
so very grateful for...
*seeing kerry. hubby joel. and preggo emma belly for pictures. loved it. (photos soon to follow)
*for blue skies. though the bright sun+skies were deceptively beauteous these past few days. (frEE.zing.) but hey. theyve gone from gray and gloomy
to a shade brighter and bluer. progress friends. ill take it.
*for my sister kate. she is such a good sister. friend. everything really. and i miss her very much. though we dont talk as often as we'd both like, we pick up right where we left off every
time, and thatll never change. i like that. it works for us :)
keep doin what your doin lady, your fabulous in numerous ways.
(and p.s. siswa. the only photos i have up in my room. are of me and you. aint that special.)
*for the return of gardening season. and the upcoming. yearly visit with maja to the farmers market. where we get all happy.flustered.and overwhelmed with whimsical ideas.
sometimes realistic, often not.
never the less. its something we both look forward to and enjoy immensely.
and with last weekends quick blast of warm weather. got our gardens ready. and set to go.
*for feeling much better. that nasty cold that stuck around way to long. BE GONE.
being healthy and feeling good is most definitely something i am thankful for.
ahhh. feels good to feel good.
stick around. ill be back with new photos soon. & this time when i say soon. i dont mean like 2 weeks soon, i mean... later today soon. yeeeehoo. off to edit my day away. happy sunday funday
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