now. here is the promised. tomato. cream. sauce. recipe. but before you get started. i will give you this little tid.bit of (what i like to this is) helpful, useful information. Below, where it says in creamy tomato color red/pink - it is the actual link to where i found this recipe. this link can be of great help to you, to change the serving size, etc. ...sayyy...in case you were serving 35, not 5? k. I will tell you, that their idea of "5" - to me is equivalent to 2. luckily... the first time i made this, it was for just two. and i tell ya. we ate every last drip of the "serving size for 5" . get what im sayin? double double even triple it. whatever your serving size reallllly is. up the number by about ten in the little serving calculator found thru the link. it is very easy to make mass amounts of this. for giant sunday night dinners. or monday night dinners. or something.
heres the original. below it, are my reccomendations and tips.
i highly suggest using them!
Prep time: 5 min. Cook Time: 15 min. Ready In: 20 min.
:: Directions ::
:: Directions ::
:: my little recommendations that have big impact ::
( or so i like to tell myself. )
:: i dont like my sauce real chunky. thats just me. i like everything well blended, the flavors all mixed in, and smoothe. so- while doing the first step- sautéing the onions and garlic in your saucepan with oil- i like to take the next set of ingredients, ( the tomatoes, basil, sugar, oregano, salt, and pepper) and i put it in the food processor ( or blendor would work )
and i puree it until it is just right. the perfect texture that i desire. smooth. and creamy.
THEN i continue forward with the recipe, and add this nice blended mixture
to the sauteed garlic and onions.
:: im a thru-n-thru garlic loving kinda gal so i will first recommend that you ((at least)) double the garlic. it calls for 1 clove.. i on the other hand added about 4-5. and honestly, next time. i just may add even more. . . watch out
:: after the last step in the recipe (( reduce heat and simmer 5 more minutes.)) this is where i like to play around. this is where i add the secret weapons of mass deliciousness. this is where i "eye ball it" , toss a few cubes of cream cheese in, a couple light handfuls of freshly grated parmesan cheese, and maybe a small splash more of the heavy cream. can you tell i like it creamy to the maximost. mmmhmm.
:: am also a huge parsley and basil lover, so sprinkling some fresh cuts of that over the dish for the final spizzaz never hurts :p
noted:: these additional little tricks really spruce up this sauce. its a definite staple round here. picky silly kids love it too. dogs like it too.
i adore it . tossed with some penne and grilled chicken. mmm. mouth. is. watering.
enjoy friends*
xo kv
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