now heres something totally up my ally. could get stuck playing around with this nifty site and tool for quite some time. here. at our home. we love to paint. and when i say we, i solely mean my maja and i. (aka: mother dearest) also. when i say "our home" i mean my maja and faja. their lovely homefront. where was this going...ok. the average life span of a room color round here is...well. not so long. not so long, what so ever. because it is fun to change up a room, and give it a little make-over and what better way to start, than with a new color. the options are endless. and fun. and really get my mind fired up when thinking of which color to choose. themes. ideas. and so on and so on... growing up, maja was extremely brave and always encouraged us to "redo" our rooms. she actually would let us paint. in her home. on her walls. over her carpets. and around her wood trim ... by. our. selves. (could have something to do with the 7 different paint streaks/blobs where wall. meets. cieling.) looking back now, and thinking of handing a young tot a paint dish and roller so they can go to town on a room ,
all i can say is... are you nuts mom???
my answer, to my own question -> im glad you are. and thank you for that.
i admire the fact that she let us do this. and let us play with color. and creativity. and teaching us that the "PREP WORK IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART." even tho i still.dread.prepwork. so i guess you could say, room painting was a "hobby" of mine.. however. some may say, i am mildly indecisive. and by mildly i mean very. decision making is not my strong point. whether im deciding on what color to redo a room, or which candy bar i want from the quickmart. my brain goes into flustered mode and i simply cant decide. it would be safe to say that no decision is every easy for me. ( seriously agrivating. ) even more so for those around me id assume. ((sorry friends)) well. lately ( the past 3 years) maja and i have had some troubles when it comes to choosing a paint color.we choose one. love it. get home, paint it. and shortly after realize how much we strongly. hugely. grossly. dislike the color. it has happened with our past 4-5 "projects". not cool. not cool at all. so when i heard about this new little site from better homes and garden, i was surely psyched to try it out... it . is. neat. it enables one to pick a room, house, or window treatment - and pick colors for numerous details throughout that room. you basically design your own area to find the perfect color combinations that work for you. it really goes into depth too. for example, under room selection- if you select bedroom - you are then able to play around with the colors of the walls, ceiling, trim, chest, comforter, bedskirt & pillows, and accents. pretty groovy if ya ask me. oh. and the colors that you select, are valspar colors from lowes. not just some make believes that you have to then go "match" to what youve chosen.( which, lets face it- never entirely works out.) super groovy. once youve played interior designer, and decided on your perfect pallette- you can then save the room you designed, print it, or send it to your bff and your mother for their aproval ;) if your feeling a creative spark and want to play. go here. and play away. and then, get motivated. get ambitious. and attack the worst. ugliest. way outdated room in your house. and when your knee deep in paint and furniture is piled up in random spots. and your husband. boyfriend. or dad. is furious that you have managed to create a natural disaster in their living room. . .
take a quick glance back at your perrrty finished picture of the room you created, and try really hard to imagine for just one quick second, how divine itll be once your project is complete.
( and continuously repeat the following words to your beloved."non-believer".onlookers...
" dont worry hun, truuussst me on this one. its going to look grrrr.reat!" )
and flash em your pearly whites.
and get on with your task.
the end.