there just are not words, good enough. descriptive enough. strong enough. to explain the unruling beauty that rolls on and on as far as you can see among the mountains in this state. as soon as we began our decline into jackson, i twisted and turned my upper body to my left. threw myslef across the seat. forehead pressed against the window. eyes wandering every which way. so i could get a peak out the "window seat". i was at loss for words. and this was before we even landed. so then we land. and we get going on our drive to where we are going. ughhh. could.not.believe it. it was spectacular. every view feels like a shooting star. as we drove on it began to snow. harder and harder. winding our way thru beautiful bendy roads. mountain lined. tree filled. rivers wrapping around, from side to side as we went forward on this journey of ours. finally. here i was. in winter wonderland. with my wonderman. and everything was perfect ( i kid you not ) the entire time. we were blessed with bright gorgeous days. easy safe travel.
and memories that i will treasure for. ev. er.
the air was fresh frosty+pure. i felt so lucky being there. an attitude of gratitude. another thing i felt. i felt warren. i felt him all around. i felt warmth+ease, going places he had been. seeing things he (so much) loved to see. being were he loved to be. a constant little grin ran across my face from the time coming up to the trip. the time we left. the time we had there. and the times i have now, remembering it. thinking about it. loving every aspect of it. it was fascinating. the people. the way of life. the larger than life views that make everything else seem so small. i wanted to know all about it. striked my curiousity and i suddenly found my self constantly wondering every locals "story". how they got here. what they do. why they stay. how they feel about living a life so secluded. in towns so unpopulated. where there are more mountain goats than people. (heres a little random nothing for ya -> snapple fact #81: alaska has more caribou than people.) im all over the place. back to wyoming. gods country. warrens heaven... something else i found very cool about the place- the architecture. the detail. the creativity and unique.ness of every building. the interior decor. the antler door handles.chandeliers.pantry handles.wine bottle holders. (and many other things i cant think of at the moment). the ax handle bar stools. weathered stone. copper accents.everything had such character of its own. alot it was unbelievable to me.
man o man. am so grateful for the experience + all.
(thank you boatloads everett)
incredible place, to say the least.
oh wyoming...
wyoming. you hold a special spot in my heart. you do.
you.re looking lovely today.
i watch with a little bit of fear here and there (wont lie).
wild man rides on. fearlessly. bravely. confidently. continuously amazing me.
it was crazy fun. and at certain times. i was happy to hop off and play onlooker ;) there are a ridiculous amount of photos from this trip (hence why its taken so long to get em' up here)
so this is just a tiny little taste to hold you over.
many more to come. i think ill have to do a slide show.
makes more sense for an album so... hmm? prodigious.
will get on that asap. thanks.sorry.andeverything inbetween.
back in a flash. (which in my world is like, two days to be truthful) yikes is right.