feeling super inspired right now. got vacuumed suckered into amazon world of nifty books the other night and let.me.tell.you ... that site makes it waaaa.hayyyyyy to uncomplicated to point.click.and.purchase. i suddenly found myself 50 some.dollars.quickly.carried.away. . . and can gladly say today that so far, 50% satisfied with my impulsive doings. still waiting on other book to come :) first book is killer. dot. com. been loving it much. . i am psyched beyond belief that i "found" this little find because it is a fabulous one for sure. its called FOUND STYLE. you too can find it. at amazon like i did. its really a beautiful book. filled with useful, inspiring tidbits and knickknacks, and fun facts and finds to read about. the photos in it are dreamy and they make me want to go on a world wide flea market slash antique shop tour. oh how i miss the sunday flea market on fairfax and la brea. this book had me hooked from the very first line. it reads, " Life is a process of continual discovery, and our surroundings should bear witness to the search." all about "found style", peices with unique history, character, found at garage sales, antique shops, or flea markets. affordable prices, "repurposing the old , using ordinary objects in unexpected ways to inspire a sense of delight."
thats it. its perfectly, deliciously done. well said. inspirational words and photographs. love it.